The ancient Japanese art of Jin Shin Jyutsu® is also known as "The Art of
Happiness" "The Art of Longevity" and "The Art of Benevolence"
We have 26 energy security locks on each side of the body.
These faucets are closed and the natural flow of life is blocked andmanifests on all levels: body, mind and spirit.
The main reason why they are obstructed is because of the main emotions:
● Concern
● Fear
● Anger
● Sadness
● Over effort or false pretense
It is a great complement totraditional medicine. The contact is very soft and is applied with the fingertips andDuring the 8 hours after receiving the session, the body continues to restore itself.
What can a session do for you?
● Remove the attitudes that cause us discomfort at the three levels.
● Reduce acute or chronic pain
● Reduce stress and fatigue
● Reduce anxiety
● Increase the feeling of well-being
● Prepare the body before and after a medical intervention
● Reduce side effects of medications and treatments
● Help the immune system
● Healing of the body from broken bones, wounds
● Balance the body, mind and spirit systems
● Convert problems into projects (I have a project to heal this)
Duration: 45 min to 1 hour
In person in Real de Las Lomas, Miguel Hidalgo, CDMX, 11920