

My invitation is for you to know that you don't need to be having a bad time to receive a session, to explore the possibility of always being able to be better in all areas of your life. May you discover that you can live without problems and with a world of possibilities at your fingertips. Here you will find techniques that I facilitate, you can choose one or allow me to perceive what is going to create something greater in your life and together work on what you require.



What if the aging of your body was a product of all the judgments you project onto it? What would it be like to discover, receive and recognize the talents, gifts and abilities that you and your

What if from today you and your body were allies?

As you begin to change the way you relate to your body, you realize that you transform how you relate to everything in your life.

We age because of the views we have accumulated on our face and on our body. If we let go of those views, the body regenerates itself.

Gary Douglas, founder of Access Consciousness® comments on the special thing they offer
these body processes:

"People come back for more body processes, because
When we work on your body, other areas of your life change too."

Is it possible to look younger without botox, needles and surgeries?

The Access Consciousness® Energy Facelift (Facial Rejuvenation) is a process in which we can reverse the appearance of wrinkles on your face and throughout your body.

If at least 20 sessions are performed, the effect appears to be permanent.

In one session we work on different points of your face, neck and body through the
laying on of hands in a gentle, kind and easy way for you and your body.

Duration: 1 hour
In person in Real de Las Lomas, Miguel Hidalgo 11920

Barras de Access consiousness


The Access® Bars are 32 points that are in your head whereYou have accumulated all these limitations of what until today you have believed is possible for you.

They can be used to facilitate changes in all areas of your life. When you are willing to function from a greater consciousness, you begin to open the doors to change everything that is no longer working for you.

In a session what we do is touch these points to “reset” you, it is as if at a
device you erase everything it has so that it is clean to receive new information.
By deleting these files that are preventing you from having the life you want, they stop appearing

Touching them changes the frequency of your brain waves to a Theta state of relaxation.

Additionally, bars can help:
● Reduce stress and anxiety
● Give ease and joy to our body
● Reduce the feeling of saturation in the head
● Receive more and do less
● Sleep better
● Increase energy
● For children and adults before exams or job interviews
● For pregnant women
● For deep relaxation (you can even fall asleep while receiving the session)
● Open all the spaces and possibilities that we do not know at this moment

Duration: 1 hour
In person in Real de Las Lomas, Miguel Hidalgo 11920



In Access®, there are more than 60 BODY PROCESSES additional to the best known which are Las Barras® and Facelift Energético®.

Each process is unique and opens a world of possibilities in people's bodies, they truly change them. Is magic!

Everything you want in your life has to do with your body, right? money, travel, clothes, health,food, exercise, tranquility, rest...

Yes that's how it is What if every time you were going to do something that involved your body you wouldYou will ask what you require and what you want?

In these sessions you begin to have that communion with your body so that you realize thegreat ally that you have although many times you do not consider it and even treat it badly.

Your body has gifts for you…. Would you dare to discover them?

Duration: 1 hour
In person in Real de Las Lomas, Miguel Hidalgo, CDMX, 11920

Simphony of posibilities access consiousness


It's hard to put into words what these sessions are about. In my experience it is BE the magic that you truly are and communication with all the molecules of the Universe.

It is a continuous dance of communion with everything: nature, your body, your finances, your relationships…. What comes to mind.

In them, we activate energies with which we go as far or as close as you want to go.

Being energetic, they can be received both in person and remotely, via Zoom.

Energy is our first language, so I invite you to simply ask yourself if this is what you have been looking for for a long time and didn't know what it was….

Duration: 30 min

In person in Real de Las Lomas, Miguel Hidalgo, CDMX, 11920



I work with 2 methods:

Resonance Repatterning®
Resonance Repatterning® with Family Constellations
Magui Block® Method

The negative experiences you are experiencing at this moment may have their originin past experiences, in patterns molded in your family system, inunresolved needs of your early years, in generational patterns and theseThey gave rise to negative beliefs about yourself, life or various topics.Being in your unconscious, many times you don't even know why you repeat over and over againthe same.

In a session we identify which patterns are limiting you and once wewe make conscious, they die and we replace them with new patterns that will bring you to lifewhat do you want.

Some of the topics you can work on are:
● Self-esteem
● Personal development
● Abundance and money
● Relationship (whether you are in a relationship or not)
● Decision making
● Labor and financial issues
● Empowerment
● Weight control
● Start and close of cycles
● Topics related to your body

In some of them we handle Family Constellations, Gestalt, Ericksonian Hypnosis,
EFT, REM (Rapid Eye Movement), Tapas, the art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, Chakras,Meridians, respirations, Tapping, among others.

Individual and group sessions
In person in the office and also
Online via Zoom.

In person in Real de Las Lomas, Miguel Hidalgo, CDMX, 11920



The ancient Japanese art of Jin Shin Jyutsu® is also known as "The Art of
Happiness" "The Art of Longevity" and "The Art of Benevolence"

We have 26 energy security locks on each side of the body.

These faucets are closed and the natural flow of life is blocked andmanifests on all levels: body, mind and spirit.

The main reason why they are obstructed is because of the main emotions:
● Concern
● Fear
● Anger
● Sadness
● Over effort or false pretense

It is a great complement totraditional medicine. The contact is very soft and is applied with the fingertips andDuring the 8 hours after receiving the session, the body continues to restore itself.

What can a session do for you?

● Remove the attitudes that cause us discomfort at the three levels.
● Reduce acute or chronic pain
● Reduce stress and fatigue
● Reduce anxiety
● Increase the feeling of well-being
● Prepare the body before and after a medical intervention
● Reduce side effects of medications and treatments
● Help the immune system
● Healing of the body from broken bones, wounds
● Balance the body, mind and spirit systems
● Convert problems into projects (I have a project to heal this)

Duration: 45 min to 1 hour
In person in Real de Las Lomas, Miguel Hidalgo, CDMX, 11920


All sessions are personalized

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  • Jyn Shin Juytsu®

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  • Access® Body Processes

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  • Symphony Sessions®

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  • Access® Bars

  • Access® Energy Facelift

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